Thursday, September 5, 2024

September Diary4

  It was the first day back to school in September. I ran into my teacher for my first class on my way to the library. We had a nice chat about my adventures in Santa Barbara and I was on my way. Libraries are amazing places to me. All the world’s knowledge is on the shelf and the right book could change your life.

         I was on a mission to find the right book. I wanted something dark about witches, werewolves, ghosts, aliens or anything strange. I knew the section must be somewhere in the library. I ended up finding something different. There in the art section were the erotic picture books. I could not believe my eyes. There in the middle of the nice wholesome clean sanitized college library, I was looking through centuries of tantalizing filth. I took pictures of my favorite scenes and hid the special books in a section only I could find. I do not think the meek peers of mine were ready for that kind of education.

         The whole day seemed off somehow. In my first class, we had a new arrangement of desks and only stayed in class for 30 minutes. The teacher wanted us to attend a seminar on college anxiety as a group project. At the seminar two girls who called themselves therapists talked about finding a safe space in our heads using all our senses. They said we could use a movie from our childhood.

         I watched a lot of movies as a kid. One that stuck out to me was a scene from Aladdin. The one where they fly through the air on a magic carpet through starry moonlit skies and puffy clouds. That's where I started my imaginary journey to my happy place. 

         The magic carpet took me to a lagoon with water lilies floating on the surface and willow trees by the bank. All of a sudden the carpet was a glamorous barge and swans were swimming on the boat's side, surrounding me in beauty. Using my senses, I could smell the lotus blossoms, hear the frogs croaking, and tasted the roselike flavor of the water. All I needed was to close my eyes and I was there. That was all I needed to give me energy for the day. 

         I was in need of good walking shoes. The target in Camarillo had a poor selection, so I left the seminar early and took the bus headed for the mall. I had just enough time to get some shopping at Target and eat at the food court.

         A young girl with a heavy asian accent begged me to try the delicacies at her food stand. She had a very pale face and red lips, like a fast food geisha. I chose to partake in the braised pork belly which had a strong taste of anise. Pork is a meat I traditionally associate with autumn. I never had it in a food court before. served with soda, rice and broccoli it was a good meal. I left sipping the soda, until the wicked and mean busdriver witch made me throw it away.

         I came back to school and had enough time to look at the erotic books in the library again. I came to my next class and was eager to see what crazy thing the teacher would make us do in drama. Not much happened. We were asked to define what creativity was and I failed miserably because of my writer’s block. 

         Then we all had to lay on the filthy floor and was supposed to claim our minds and help our breathing, but all i could focus on was the fact i was laying on the ground in the middle of the day at school with a bunch of strangers. 

         After class was over I had enough and just checked out of this world as I went straight home on the bus and then straight into bed. At home in camarillo, Someone was blasting their music in the car below my balcony. 

         I got filled with a strange rage, maybe from the strange day I had and needed to teach the jerk a lesson. Took two fresh eggs from the fridge and hurled one near, but not at the car. The braindead girl was texting on her phone. She never noticed until I tossed the second one, also near the car. Soon she got the message, cursed like the gutter skank she was and drove off screeching her tires. I don't know if revenge is in the works for her, but I wouldn't put it past the ghetto people in my neighborhood.  

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