Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mars and the Gorgon Continued

Danae went into the hole. She did not know what was going to happen. The plan was to try to kill her here before she even reached the jail door. The solider locked the door and left her in the dark with no food or water. Sitting down in the muck, she saw the face of her hateful ex-husband peering from the bars.
The wicked alchemist twisted his fingers and said a curse to transform Danae. All the snakes slithered around her and became intertwined in her hair, and then they were her hair. The alchemist disappeared just as the soldiers came back to see what the ruckus was about. They barley looked through the bars, when Danae turned to face them and they were petrified. The serpent framed face had turned them to stone.

The alchemist’s spell had turned Danae into a gorgon. She had snakes for hair and anyone who looked at her was turned to stone. Venus saw all this and took pity on Danae. She came down through the sky, in a shower of golden light and melted the jail wall. Danae was free to escape, yet still she would not move from her corner. She was afraid to go out into the world as a monster.

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