Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Chronicles of Achall

    In the land of Achall, a girl ran through a field of poppies.Her name was Maighdean.she was the princess of the land.Her mother, Queen Màthair watched her from a distance.The dark prince Astaroth, also watched her from his tree.The tree of the dead was a grand entrance to another world.The queen and her daughter prefered the country to the fancy towns.people from the towns came to worship the queen.the peasants cutting the grain and the rich town people formed a cult of mystery around the queen,

      Knowledge of the queen's name was secret from non believers.the month was off to a good start with a bright full moon in the sky.the true beauty of the moon was hidden by a mask of deceit.people in the town were forced to be pretty and unless in order to fit into this happy time, there was thoughts of a darker place of death.6the king of darkness lived in a palace of fire, watching the towns.he hoped the people would stay lazy and vain.soon, princess Maighdeann would be his bride.

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