Sunday, February 28, 2016

Friday, February 26, 2016

More Background Art

                                                                 The Royal Thrones

Thursday, February 25, 2016

1840's Fashion

                                                   Stages of Underwear in the 1840's

                                                                    Albert, Undressed
Victoria, Undressed
                                                                 Victoria and Albert

                                                                        Winter Cape

More Icons

Background Art

1400s Small Icons

 1400s Portugal
A great empire of this time

Bits and Pieces.

1400 - 1410 Costume Desgins

one of the steps in making art is figuring out the different parts that go together
before I make the scenes, I wanted to make sure the clothes would be accurate. so after some research I have narrowed the fashion trends to four woman and two men. these are the people who will live in my world, they each have enough outfits for four days     

 I wanted to hold a tournament for my nobles, so I gave them armor, I knew I would have to cover them with crests and a surcoat, still the armor is beautiful in it's self and I spent a long time on it, so I thought I'd show it on its own. tournament decoration and armor are intended more for display then warfare, so it can get a little fancy at times, especially with the pink stripes and swan feathers 

1400's Ladies

Here, the lady wakes up ready to get dressed. her friends are already dressed, in plainer styles so they don't out show the lady. she spreads the bed curtain back and looks around as her friends as they help wake up the house by opening the shutters and lighting the fire
  the lady sits patently, as her friend decorates her headdress with amethyst pins. the other ladies go through her chest and lay out her beautiful garments.

Now, that everyone is dressed, they spent the early morning embroidering girdles with gold and silk thread for future outfits. to be continued....

Music of the 2020’s